Second Toronto screening of “Beyond Their Years”

Second Toronto Screening of “Beyond Their Years”

Published, 11.01.2023

In late June, The Carnegie Initiative (The CI) hosted the world premiere of the spectacular documentary “Beyond Their Years: The Incredible Legacies of Herb Carnegie and Buck O’Neil.” The event came two nights before the film aired nationally across Canada on TSN. (Watch Trailer)

Late last week, the Carnegie family hosted another special screening in Toronto.  “Beyond Their Years,” produced by Bryant McBride, The CI’s Co-Chair and Founder/CEO of Burst, depicts the compelling story of parallel lives lived by sports and social justice icons Herb Carnegie (hockey) and O’Neil (baseball), who were excluded, because of their race, from competing at the highest professional leagues of the sports they loved. Instead of becoming angry and bitter, they channeled the injustice they both experienced into pioneering work that made their respective sports, and the world, more inclusive. The 48-minute film, that features dozens of interviews and rare footage, ties together their legacies in a verité style that teaches, heals, and humanizes.

The event was held at the Toronto Prep School and the evening opened with the school’s Co-Founder Fouli Tsimikalis welcoming guests. Also, a dozen students graciously volunteered their time which added to the experience enjoyed by those in attendance.

A special panel discussion, moderated by Herb’s daughter and The CI Co-Chair Bernice Carnegie, followed the showing of the film.

“In her introduction to the film, Bernice Carnegie cautioned the audience to be prepared to experience a range of emotions from joy to anger, sadness, awe and everything in between. She was absolutely right. Despite the injustices both men experienced, they continued to rise above, stay positive and make a difference for others,” shared Yvonne Harding who attended the event.

Panelists included three individuals featured in the film – Kirk Brooks, Rane Carnegie, and Eileen Oliver. Brooks is the founder of Seaside Hockey – Skillz Hockey that mentors young athletes of color and provides barrier-free hockey training. He was one of seven recipients of the inaugural Herbert Carnegie Trailblazer Awards. Rane Carnegie, a former professional hockey player, is Herb’s youngest grandson. He is a motivational speaker, mentor, life and hockey coach, and also serves as an Advisor to The CI. Eileen is a Co-Owner of BGO Consulting, a family caregiver, and tireless advocate for mental health and wellness. She has been a longtime volunteer for Carnegie family initiatives starting with the Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation two decades ago.

Eileen recalls many personal conversations she had with Herb Carnegie. In the film, she poignantly explained the importance of Herb’s inclusion into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

“It’s a big deal. It’s the top. He deserves to be at the top,” she shared.

The audience was deeply impacted by the program that utilizes the film as a vehicle to engage in meaningful and substantive conversation that can lead to further progress in making the world more inclusive.

Screenings for the film are being scheduled in the upcoming months for both the U.S.A. and Canada. 

See photo gallery from the event at the Toronto Prep School on Oct. 26, 2023

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